In the early 1980s, a program 'Evenings for the Engaged' supplemented the original Marriage Preparation Course (MPC) that was delivered by the Archdiocese of Singapore in helping prepare couples for marriage. There was a need for a program that could cover the content over a weekend and thus, Catholic Engaged Encounter (CEE) was brought to Singapore from the USA. The concept of a 46-hour stay-in, couple focused retreat programme was new to Singapore at that time and the first weekend was delivered in September 1982 with 12 participating couples.
From the first weekend with just 12 couples, it has now grown to over 35 couples on each weekend over 14 weekends annually and CEE Singapore (CEE SG) has welcomed thousands of pre-married couples since 1982. CEE SG welcomes Catholic couples and couples where one partner is Catholic to attend the programme.